PowerPoint is a presentation software package. PowerPoint Presentation consists of a number of individual pages or ‘slides’.


Slides may contain text, graphics, tables, movies, etc. The presentation can be printed, displayed on a computer, and can be projected using a video projector. PowerPoint can add animation to your texts, graphics, tables, movies, and other objects through Custom Animations.  You can also add transition (movement) between your slides.

Microsoft Office Button & Quick Access Toolbar

In the upperleft corner is the Microsoft Office button. When you click the button, a menu appears.

You can use the menu to create a new file, open your existing file, save a file, and print a file. Next to the Microsoft Office button is the Quick Access toolbar. The quick access toolbar is a

customizable toolbar that contains commands.


The Ribbon

You can use the commands to tell PowerPoint what to do. The Ribbon is located at the top of the PowerPoint Window. At the top of the Ribbon there are several tables; clicking a table displaces several related group commands. You can click on the command buttons to issue commands or to access menus.


PowerPoint Window

STATUS BAR Appears at the bottom of the window. The status bar displays the slide number that is currently displayed and also the total number of slides.


OUTLINE/SLIDES TABS Displays the text contained in your presentation. The slides tab displays a thumbnail of all your slides.


Splits your screen into three major sections: slides/outline tabs, the slidepane, and the note area. The outline and slides tab are on your left sideof your window. They allow you to shift between different ways of

viewing your slides.



This view shows you the thumbnails of all your slides and allows you to

easily add, delete, or change the order of your slides.


Use the slide show view when you want to view your slides as they will

look in your final presentation.

Saving Your Work

(Save your work frequently by saving it to a flash drive or email it to yourself).

·       Click Microsoft Office Button

·       Click Save Renaming and Saving as an Earlier Version of PowerPoint

·       Click Microsoft Office Button

·       Click Save As

·       Type in a Name for your presentation

·       In the Save as Type box, choose PowerPoint 972003.

Creating A New Presentation

Click the Microsoft Office Button

 Click New

 Click Blank Presentation 

Add Slides

 Select the slide immediately before whereyou want the new slide.

 Click the New Slide button on the Home tab.

 Click the slide choice that fits your material.



Themes are designed that can be applied to an entire presentation that allows for consistency

throughout the presentation. You can also apply new colors to a theme.


Click the Design tab.

Choose one of the

displayed Themes.

Apply Colors Themes

Click the Colors drop down arrow.

Choose a color set or click Create New Theme Color.


Background Theme

Click the Background Styles button on the Design Tab

Adding Pictures

To add a picture:

Click on the Insert tab.

Click on the Picture button.

Browse to the picture from your files

Select the picture you want to insert in PowerPoint

Click Insert.


Create a Table

To create a table:

Place the cursor on the page where you want the new table.

Click on the Insert tab of the ribbon.

Click on Tables, and enter the number of rows and columns.

Place the cursor in the cell where you wish to enter information and begin typing.

Click on your table and then the Design tab to customize your tables.

Create a Chart

(i)To insert a chart:

Click the Insert tab.

Click the type of Chart you want to create.

Insert the Data and Labels.

(ii) Edit Chart Data:

Click on the chart

Click Edit Data on the Design tab.

Edit data in the spreadsheet.



Slide Transitions are effects that are in place when you switch from one slide to the next.

To add slide transitions:

Select the slide that you want to transition.

Click the Animations tab.

Choose the appropriate animation or click Transition dialog box.


Slide animations are special effects that you can add to objects on a slide.

To apply animation effects:

Select the object you want to animate.

Click the Animation tab on the Ribbon.

-Click Custom Animation

Click Add Effect.

Choose the effect you want on your object.


To preview the animation on a slide:

Click the Preview button on the Animation tab.

Slide Show Options:

Preview the slide show from the beginning.

Preview the slide show from current slide.

Set up slide show.

Musa Kazimoto


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